Code Faster¶
To Do¶
General Vim Stuff¶
Use folds more when viewing json docs
Start playing vim games, e.g. vim-be-good
Move telescope setup to lua file, load it init.lua
Break out plugin remaps to separate files
Plugins to Try out¶
Plugin Features¶
Configure vim-startify
Telescope writing
Make lsp find reference populate quickfix list
LSP show docs in split
Script for installing lsp
Build Kyria
bindkey for auto complete and suggestion
bindkey for foreground/fg
bindkey for opening a git file with telescope
Shell Software¶
Snippet Stuff¶
.rst url remap
.rst titles (dynamically add =, -, ~)
better python class snippet
bulleted sublist for rst
Bash script to install everything
autoformat jsons
General Vim Stuff¶
Learn to use gcn - not a fan
Copy/paste to/from clipboard - gotta nice remap for that
Stop using H and L instead of $ and ^
- <C-w> to delete words in insert mode.
amazing I love it
Plugins to Try out¶ - nice but telescope makes it work - nice but never actually used it - couldnt get into it
Plugin Features¶
LazyGit in a floating terminal
LSP autoformatting
FloatTerm execute the current python file
Telescope my available fixtures
Telescope my available classes
Copy a filepath from telescope using a custom action
Figure out how to git blame
Telescope my remaps.
Telescope colorschemes
Never use command ever again:
Having <cmd>-v = press and hold v
Having <cmd>-c = press and hold c
Having <cmd>-l = press and hold l
Having <cmd>-x = press and hold x
Shell Software¶
bat - love it so much
broot - wasn’t a big fan, prefer fzf. didn’t configure it that much though.